EndoLab - Implant Testing Services Implant Testing

Knie Spezifikation - ASTM F2083

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ASTM F2083: Standard Specification for Knee Replacement Prosthesis

This specification covers knee replacement prostheses used to provide functioning articulation. This includes total knee replacement and unicondylar knee replacement prostheses of both fixed and mobile bearing designs. This specification provides basic descriptions of material specifications and prosthesis geometry. Additionally, the characteristics determined to be important for in-vivo performance of the prosthesis are defined.

EndoLab® offers a variety of mechanical tests, such as dislocation or lateral subluxation tests, component disassociation tests, fixation failure tests, device fracture tests, contact area and contact pressure tests, articulating surface wear tests, porous metal coating tests and others, specially designed for knee replacement prostheses.  

Implant Testing - Knie Spezifikation - ASTM F2083